Problems in Email Marketing

Jack Born

also recommends downloading the Evergreen Email Engine™ Playbook:

September 11, 2024
November 9, 2022

Understanding the challenges of email marketing is esseential for achieving consistent sales, and this blog post explores the common pitfalls that many creators encounter. Transitioning from content creation to effective selling can prove challenging, resulting in missed opportunities to engage a broader audience. We’ll explore how Deadline Funnel can help address these issues by providing each lead with a unique and authentic deadline for your offers.

Features vs. Strategy

Email sending is not the same as email marketing

Using a great email platform doesn’t guarantee high-converting email marketing. Here’s why.

Today’s popular email marketing platforms provide three core features:

  • Send a one-time campaign
  • Create an automated sequence
  • Basic reporting on open/click rates

But what's usually missing is a clear blueprint for creating successful email marketing campaigns that grow your business.

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Missing Sales Strategy

To reach your biggest audience, you need consistent sales.

As a creator, you have unique experience and a special vision that you want to share with your audience.

The people you serve love your information, your vision, and your passion for making their lives better.

However, to reach your largest potential audience, you need more than passion. You need consistent sales.

Until you have high-converting email campaigns, you’re only reaching a fraction of the audience you could.

And one of the biggest challenges in getting consistent sales is that switching gears from “creating” to “selling” isn’t always easy!

This usually means one of two things happen:

  1. You send a lot of content emails, but hardly any sales emails
  2. You send a mix of content and sales emails, but it’s not consistent and you don’t have a clear blueprint for your what and when to sell.

Grow Your Business with
Deadline Funnel

Deadline Funnel gives each of your leads a unique and authentic deadline for your offer.

Sign Up

No Deadline

Most email marketing doesn't include a real deadline

Have you noticed that the best sales day of any launch or promotion is the last day?

Here’s why:

It's right before the deadline.

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A deadline doesn’t let people postpone and delay making a decision.

A deadline lets you put your best offer in front of your best potential buyers… and then makes them choose.

In or out. Yes or no.

Without a deadline your email sequence will never convert as well as it could and you’re missing out on half your audience

Up until recently, it was only possible to create a real deadline for product launches… not automated email sequences.

And that’s why we built Deadline Funnel.


It's difficult to measure results

The two most important metrics to monitor in your email marketing are the number of new subscribers and the amount of new revenue your emails generate.

Those are the outputs. The key results.

What are the inputs?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to easily see these numbers in most email platforms.

And if you don’t know what’s working in your email marketing you can’t make the right choices to grow your audience.

Jack Born

Jack Born focuses on maximizing top-line revenue for brands, helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses sustainably. Jack is passionate about creating impactful marketing solutions and supporting clients in their growth journey.

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